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Alternative Medicine News

You’re in a Win-Win Situation When You Choose Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture

In terms of cost, Chinese medicine and acupuncture are definitely less than standard Western medicine. A misconception commonly committed in the area of health care is that when compared to modern Western medicine, alternative medicine is more expensive. The fact is, standard Western medicine’s the one more expensive. In a couple different ways is this true. First, the real cost of treatment with Chinese medicine and acupuncture is substantially lower than modern medicine. Second, in terms of prevention, Chinese medicine and acupuncture also costs less than the actual treatment of an illness when it does arise.

Numerous studies done have not only been about showcasing the effectiveness of acupuncture as a treatment for certain conditions, some of those studies also dealt with how much people can save money on acupuncture treatment. One fine example of this is a 1992 study published in Acta Anethesiol Scand. In this study 7 of the 30 patients who participated and were treated with acupuncture were able to forego their surgery which translated to a savings cost of $9000 for each patient.

In 1994, the Neurology published a study showing that when acupuncture was administered to post stroke patients. It led to a shorter hospital stay, from what ought to be 165 days to just 86 days saving patients around $26,500 on average.

In 1980, the Journal Spine published a study revealing that 19 out of 30 of people suffering from low back pain who were treated with acupuncture were able to return to work in contrast to only 5 of 27 who were given standard medical care. People returning to work earlier meant higher savings for the companies.

One should always bear in mind that a direct cost of savings benefit is usually attained when you select acupuncture. Cost can run as high as $267 when you visit a physician while a specialist can cost you more, around $326 more. In contrast, a typical visit to a qualified acupuncturist can cost, you on average, around $55-$80. That is a huge savings. You can get around five to six acupuncture visits for the cost of a single visit to a specialist.

The realm of preventive care is another way by which acupuncture can save you money, if you compare it to what western standard medicine offers. The focus of Western medicine is to repair things in the body that are dysfunctional and broken. Therefore, it offers very little in terms of maintaining health and preventing the rise of disease. Its main mode of treatment is medications that do little in curing the disease. In the conventional western medical world, medicines have become the common new way of doing preventive medicine. When your doctor thinks you might be developing diabetes, hypertension, or any kind of illness, you probably might be medicated with low doses of the same meds that are used to treat these problems when they are full blown. This is what they deem “preventive medicine.”

Preventative medicine, to an acupuncturist, is a much more serious issue. Chinese medicine at its highest level is designed to prevent the rise of health conditions. In China, there is a saying that the lowest level doctor merely treats the disease once it has happened while the best doctors catch the disease before it shows up. The job of an acupuncturist is to help you know what causes your body to get out of balance and then adjusts it before the imbalance gets too big. Illness and/or disease begin once the imbalance lingers a long time or becomes too big. Acupuncture does this balance restoration and prevention with some help from exercise therapy, diet therapy, Chinese herbal medicine and a few others. The beauty of the thing is that food therapy, exercise, acupuncture, and herbs are much cheaper than treating high blood pressure, diabetes, and cancer. Moreover, they all have no side effects!

The most important thing to know is that it is much cheaper to get Chinese medicine and acupuncture treatment instead of modern western medicine. Another thing to consider is that with Chinese medicine and acupuncture, you can maintain your health consistently without needing to undergo medical treatments for health conditions. Lastly, there are no side effects from these treatments. Basically, you’re in a win-win situation when you choose Chinese medicine and acupuncture.

Harmony Wellness Center
110 N Orlando Ave
Maitland, FL 32751
(407) 234-6454

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