While Feng Shui is a part of a trilogy of ancient healing methods, it is also an art and science that explains how we are affected by the natural and built environment.
Chinese medicine and Chinese astrology are the other two parts to this healing trilogy.
Each of these three fields of study is filled with guidance and powerful wisdom in how to live a productive, focused, and more balanced life. Chinese Medicine can show us how to utilize acupuncture, foods, herbs, and other health related solutions to offset our innate weaknesses and how to determine what our constitutional health is like. Chinese Astrology can be used as a road map to our lives to determine when our lives will naturally be easier and when they can be challenging. Chinese Astrology can assist us how to make time-appropriate decisions in matters of health, career, and love in a very specific way. Finally, with Feng Shui, we can know how our work or home or environment can affect us spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
One good example of how the three systems can affect us may go like this: Your astrological reading may indicate that your health will experience problems between the ages of 25 to 30 years. Using Chinese medicine diagnostic tools, your doctor, may be able to identify a health problem (this can also be revealed by Astrology). Then, with Feng Shui one can determine whether a dwelling will hinder or help the health of the resident and even foretell the years when the influence of the house will be worse or better with regard to the resident’s health. When one puts all these influences together, it can lead to a powerful understanding and life plan of what a person needs to do at various points in his/her life in order to live a balanced, healthy, and happy life.
In the same manner the nature of various religions lead to the same ultimate Truths, one can observe that, except for the Chinese, different cultures have more or less similar versions of this trilogy. The version of Feng Shui in India is called the Vaastu Shastra. It complements and teams up with East-Indian or Vedic Astrology and Aryuvedic medicine.
We now live in a highly compartmentalized world in our modern way of living. We are unable to see the connections between major areas of our lives. But everything influences everything else! From an environmental, political, and economic perspective, we are all responsible and related to each other. Unfortunately, the pollution created in China and the nuclear disaster of Fukushima is now heading over to the west coast of the United States!
With the help of Feng Shui concepts and applications, we are constantly searching for the connection between our natural environment, ourselves, and the universe. To describe the many influences in our lives, we now use terms like “earth luck,” “man luck,” and “heaven luck”. The relationship of our earth to the moon and sun are extremely deep and within a small scale constructed environment, we can also measure the influences of yin and yang in our lives.
Eastern Healing Solutions, LLC
10875 Grandview Dr #2250
Overland Park, KS 66210
Phone: (913) 549-4322