Keeping fit by being active is a very basic way to stay healthy. However, when one suffers from an activity-related or sports injury such as sprain, muscle strain, etc., one may select the most effective, quickest and safest way back to health. By far the treatment that can fulfill these criteria is neither physical therapy nor prescription medications but electronic acupuncture.
Acupuncture Orlando is grounded on the belief that the body has several energy vessels called meridians, which transport life energy that the Chinese call Qi or chi throughout the body. When the body is ill or in pain, one or more meridians have obstructions that causes chi to stagnate or not move at all resulting in the illness or painful condition. As long as chi remains blocked, the painful and ill conditions of the body will remain.
Traditional Chinese Medicine is an amalgamation of treatments, which acupuncture and herbal medicine is a part of. Acupuncture involves the use of stainless steel needles inserted at certain sites on the body. Electronic acupuncture uses a small device, which generates electromagnetic pulses through a stick or wand. With this gadget, one has the means to stimulate acupuncture points or acupoints in the wrist and hand to facilitate healing.
The body is a conductor of electromagnetic energy and electromagnetic pulses are conducted via the meridians, the pathways that transport chi all over the body. An injury means that the body tissues are inflamed. This inflammation or swelling puts pressure on one or more meridians causing blockage to chi. With the use of electronic acupuncture on critical acupoints, one can remove this pressure and hence restore the normal flow of chi.
Electronic acupuncture is a very good therapy for sports injuries such as tendonitis, sprained ankle, a torn ligament in the knee, etc. These injuries are typically characterized by swelling or inflammation and sensitivity. The use of electromagnetic acupuncture dilates blood vessels allowing more blood to flow to the injured area. The blood flow washes away toxins that are responsible for the inflammation in the injured area. The healing process begins when the swelling is stopped and the antibodies repel the harmful pathogens in the affected area.
Another benefit of electronic acupuncture for sports participants is its ability to stimulate the production and secretion of endorphins. These are the hormones that alleviate pain and enable the body relax. Electromagnetic acupuncture treatment is an efficient way to one’s rehabilitation. It is a very natural, painless and safe treatment for sports and non-sporting injuries. With this type of treatment, one does not need the use of toxin-containing painkillers, which cause harmful side effects to the body; definitely not a preferable option for the activity minded and health conscious person.