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Alternative Medicine News

TCM Modalities That Can Help Cure PMS Symptoms

Chinese herbs and acupuncture, can dramatically help lessen the severity of the symptoms of PMS or premenstrual syndrome. Both these modalities are integral components of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that can help in the normalization of imbalances in the hormonal cycles and in the promotion of relaxation in order to treat the symptoms that have been aggravated by stress. Occurring about a week prior to a woman’s actual menstruation, PMS, also lesser known as Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder(PMDD ) may also lead to the rise of various kinds of symptoms. They include sleep problems, pelvic pain, cramping, breast swelling and tenderness, weight changes, irritability, food cravings, upset stomach, crying and moodiness, headaches, acne, and bloating. These symptoms may differ in terms of severity. Some symptoms may be mild and easy to tolerate while other women may experience symptoms that can be so severe that they significantly affect the sufferers’ life.

From the viewpoint of TCM, PMDD or PMS is the result of stagnation or a blockage in the woman’s qi (vital energy). The slowing down of the flow of qi and blood causes the hormones to irregularly fluctuate leading to a build-up of symptoms that is finally released when menstruation begins. Women may, for example, start suffering from digestive issues, menstrual cramping, and headaches before their period commences. These symptoms may point to Liver Qi stagnation for example, affecting energy flow through the muscles and organs. Tension and stress can play a role in “trapping” the qi, never allowing it to move freely thus causing pain in the affected regions of the body.

Acupuncturists work with their patient to smooth out and rebalance blood and qi flow so the patient can experience menstruation without any emotional stress, discomfort, and pain. A good acupuncturist in Linwood is one that treats each patient’s body and her specific symptoms in a unique, customized and efficient manner. Chinese herbs usually are effective in resolving issues. They also make the acupuncture treatment more effective. The herbs may be in the form of powder or pills the can be orally ingested or mixed in water to be drank. They can also be taken in raw form or cooked as tea.

Acupuncture treatment can relieve the pain related to PMS even during the first treatment. With more treatments, however, PMS symptoms will eventually lessen in frequency and severity. Depending on how well the patient responds to the treatment she may be required to undergo weekly sessions lasting a month to three months. If the symptoms start to decrease, then the treatment may be cut to once every two weeks.

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