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Acupuncture Treatment for High Blood Pressure

What is the better option for you in treating your high blood pressure? Do you prefer swallowing medications and pills that have a number of side effects on the body or try a safe and natural way of treating your high blood pressure? Well, because of the growing consciousness of … Continue reading

High Blood Pressure – Lifestyle and Home Remedies

Following positive changes in your lifestyle can effectively help you control your blood pressure to normal levels every day.  Adopting healthy lifestyle habits is an effective first step in both preventing and controlling high blood pressure.  If in spite of these changes, your high blood pressure still persists, you may … Continue reading

High Blood Pressure – Coping and Support

High blood pressure management means treating and controlling this condition for the rest of your life.  Your treatment plan for high blood pressure (HBP) will consist of availing current medical care, using prescribed medications and making lifestyle changes.

These courses of treatment are for controlling your HBP and not curing … Continue reading