Health Intuitive

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Helping Women Cope with Menopause with Acupuncture Overland Park

Menopause is the permanent stoppage of a woman’s menstrual function.  This phase of a woman’s life progresses slowly as the female ovaries slowly but surely loses its function to produce estrogen.  The waning amounts of estrogen in the body lessen fertility which likewise reduces the chances of conception until eventually … Continue reading

Acupuncture Spokane for Depression and Anxiety

Chronic sufferers of depression and anxiety will gravitate to a better and permanent treatment of their condition if given the chance.  Antidepressant and anti-anxiety drugs just would not cut when one is looking for a long term solution for chronic anxiety and depression problems.  They merely offer transient relief from … Continue reading

Acupuncture Linwood and PTSD

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder better known as PTSD is a mental disorder where a person reacts to a “fight or flight” type of situation in an irrational manner.  PTSD usually happens to people usually soldiers who have been involved or have witnessed a very traumatic situation. The experience of that … Continue reading

How Acupuncture Overland Park Works

Acupuncture Overland Park is an ancient Chinese medical tradition of introducing disposable, sterile and ultra thin needles into specific points in the skin called acupuncture points or acupoints to stimulate the flow of energy in the body.  The needles promote healing, improve blood circulation, remove pain and optimize function of … Continue reading

Acupuncture NYC for Libido

Acupuncture NYC is by far the most popular form of Asian alternative medicines in the United States. This treatment concerns the insertion of ultra thin needles in certain areas of the body.  In acupuncture, the body’s blood flow transports with it energy the Chinese call Qi or chi.  In order … Continue reading