Peripheral Neuropathy or Neuropathy, for short, is characterized by pain, tingling, and/or numbness in nerves apart from the brain or spine, usually in the feet and hands. It usually develops in people suffering from diabetes, spinal injuries, and genetic disorders such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth Syndrome. These symptoms can be effectively treated with acupuncture which restores feeling, life, and energy, back into the extremities.
Neuropathy often affects the quality of life of people and is a serious condition. When they don`t feel parts of their bodies, people are more prone to infection and injury and may find it difficult to perform daily tasks such as gripping, fine motor work, and walking. People with neuropathy caused by a genetic disorder may also have to deal with the anxiety and fears that come with having an uncommon medical condition.
Acupuncture can be a powerful way to balance energy or qi and also bring balance back into the spirit, emotions, and mind as well as bring hope and peace to the sufferer. There is not enough qi reaching the periphery when there is numbness in these areas
According to traditional Chinese medicine, when there is numbness in the periphery, there is not enough qi reaching these areas. The reason for this may vary although it is usually because:
– Energy is blocked from reaching the area, or
– There is not enough energy or qi reaching the affected organ system.
There may be instances when both causes are found in patients. The acupuncturist makes sure that all these things are considered and addressed, and a plan of treatment is designed that will best suit the needs of the patient.
The treatment basically involves choosing acupoints that can boost energy flow in the meridians. If cold or heat is the cause, then treatment may include either warming coldness or clearing heat.
Wei syndrome is marked by flaccidity and weakness in the extremities. Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners believe that this is caused by poor nourishment of the tendons because of depletion of body fluids, which in turn, caused, in turn by is excessive heat lingering in the body after illness. If person has Wei QI syndrome, treatment may take a longer time.
Acupuncture usually brings immediate relief to the brain particularly when there is pain although the length of the treatment may depend on the severity of the pain and other symptoms. To experience long-lasting benefits, you may need to take a series of treatments. How long or often treatment should be depends on the health of the patient and his/her overall constitution.
Acupuncture allows the body to heal itself and treats the individual as a whole, by balancing his spirit and mind. It helps the patient to be more focused and present. It also qi in the regions of deficiency, and helps remove blockages.
Enliven Health and Wellness
4207 Gardendale Suite B103
San Antonio, TX 78229
Phone: (210) 999-5579