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Alternative Medicine News

Sore Throat – Lifestyles and Home Remedies

Sore throat due to viral infections has no known treatment. Some home remedies, are quite effective when alleviating the discomfort and pain of sore throat regardless of its cause. Listed below are some helpful recommendations to better manage you sore throat.

  • Aromatherapy – Popular oil essentials can help alleviate sore throat discomfort and pain when they are added to water. These essential oils include:
    • Thyme
    • Sandalwood
    • Geranium
    • Eucalyptus
  • Supplements – The most effective supplements to quickly treat sore throat include bioflavonoids and vitamin C. These two have potent attributes that help shorten the duration of a sore throat.
  • Humidifier – Humidifying your place with a cool-mist humidifier can alleviate the inflammation, pain and discomfort in your ears and throat. Having this kind of humidifier during winter can prevent or at least minimize the chance of sinus and throat irritation.
  • Medications – Use of acetaminophen and ibuprofen is encouraged to alleviate sore throat pain and discomfort. Aspirin can also be used for sore throat pain but should not be given to children or teens who are recovering from flu or chickenpox.  Consult first with your doctor if you intend to use new and/or unprescribed medications.
  • Popsicles – Cold treats like these and even flavored frozen ice have been recommended to lessen the discomfort and pain of sore throat and make it easy for the sore throat sufferer to swallow.

Some other helpful home remedies to treat sore throat can include:

  • Keeping yourself clean all day – Always wash your hands especially before eating. If no water or soap is available, use rubbing alcohol or sanitizers treated with alcohol.
  • Rest – This is to help improve your immune system as well as to minimize the risk of infecting others
  • Stop talking – If your voice is strained from over use of your vocal cords or if the sore throat has affected your larynx, then rest your voice box and let it heal first.
  • Avoid irritants – Avoiding exposure to household cleaners, paints, cigarette smoke and other air pollutants can help improve your sore throat.
  • Throat lozenges – Strong throat lozenges or hard candies can help minimize the discomfort and pain of a sore throat.
  • Lemon – Mixing lemon to honey and warm or hot water can help soothe and cool a burning sore throat.
  • Salt and water – Place half a teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water and use this solution to gargle. This helps soothe the burning pain and removes mucus from the throat.
  • Fluids – Saturate yourself with juices, tea, warm soup, or water to replenish the fluids lost due to the body’s production of mucus and to fever. Caffeine or alcohol is not recommended since they only cause dehydration instead of rehydration.

Acupuncture Health Center
1303 Astor St # 101
Bellingham, WA 98225
Phone: (360) 715-1824

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