Millions of people around the world suffer from migraine. This is a type of headache much more painful than an ordinary headache. Migraines result from vasodilation (widening of the blood vessels) in the head causing the coiled arteries in the brain to elongate. Chemicals are released by the extended arteries causing the pain characteristic of migraine headache. Some of the superficial symptoms of migraine include nervousness, neck pain, headaches, and vomiting. Drugs are the most popular treatments for this condition but since these medications all have unwanted side effects other people are turning to alternative modes of treatment such as Chinese medicine to counter the condition. The fact is, Chinese medicine, specifically, acupuncture has been found to produce superior results in the treatment of migraines than Western conventional treatments. Acupuncture has the power to treat migraines before and after it occurs. These days, more and more medical doctors are utilizing this form of healing which they term acupuncture migraine treatment.
For thousands of years, the Chinese not only used wild plants and herbs to treat scores of diseases. They also used the power of the needle by inserting it in parts of the body known as acupoints or pressure points. There are literally thousands of acupoints in the human body. Each of these acupoints is associated to a corresponding organ or body part. Any problem in an organ/ body part can be treated through the acupoint related to that organ/body part. These days, Chinese medicine is now being utilized by thousands of Western doctors for the treatment of pain and other illnesses. An acupuncturist is a person or a doctor who specializes in the use of acupuncture needles to treat or cure a condition. Acupuncture is a very versatile form of treatment that not only treats or cures most types of pain but also has the power to prevent the rise of different kind of diseases. Besides that, the treatment can also help a person restore lost memory caused by trauma or accidents. Another of its benefit is that it is non-invasive unlike any other treatment. Acupuncture is also inexpensive and you are not required to maintain it.
What benefits can one expect in acupuncture treatment for migraines?
Any migraine sufferer can benefit from acupuncture treatment. It can be done even if a person currently has a migraine attack. It can also be used to prevent its recurrence. Through the sticking of the sharp edge of the clean and sterilized needle in the acupoint of the patient and deftly manipulating the needles, the acupuncturist can resolve the symptoms of migraine. In the treatment of migraines, the patient is required to sit down instead of lying down. One reason for this is to prevent the increased circulation of blood to the head. Even if acupuncture has the capacity to alleviate the pain of migraine headaches, several studies prove that acupuncture can also help in the prevention of future migraine attacks. Acupoints selected for the treatment of migraine are located in the following acupoints:
The acupoint that lies in the crease between the forefinger and thumb
The acupoint located in the largest crease inside the wrist in line with the thumb
The L14 acupoint believed to help alleviate headaches. This point is contraindicated for pregnant women as it has known to help induce labor.
Acupuncturists prefer treatment that helps prevent the rise of migraine headaches in their patients instead of treating ongoing attacks.
The aphorism an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure is very much true among Chinese medicine practitioners. Avoiding mental, physical, and emotional stress can be factors that lead to further health problems such as migraine. If you suffer from severe and chronic stress, it is advisable to see a doctor or acupuncturist to prevent your condition from worsening and turning into migraine, which is one of the most intolerable pains a person can endure. You can ask your doctor if acupuncture can help with your condition. You can talk to a licensed acupuncturist who can advise you and give you a preventative form of treatment for your migraine or treatment of your ongoing migraine attacks.
Christina Prieto is an Orlando acupuncturist, a certified Yoga instructor and the founder of Harmony Wellness center in central Florida.