When you have exhausted all other options to stop smoking, it is time to look into acupuncture Orlando as another option worth trying.
Acupuncture is a very old Chinese healing tradition that is still very popular among Asians as an effective way to treat a wide number of illnesses. In the United States and Europe it is often used as a way to relieve pain. Ongoing studies are being done to better understand how acupuncture works in smoking cessation.
Acupuncture in its classical/traditional form of acupuncture is the use of ultra thin needles inserted into acupuncture points that connect to energy vessels called meridians just beneath the skin. These meridians are invisible pathways were life energy which the Chinese call chi flow. Meridians are connected to specific major organs in the body. When meridians develop blockages, illnesses arise. Acupuncture is used to remove these blockages and restore the normal flow of chi.
Stopping the habit of smoking is not a quick cure with acupuncture therapy. It is also not the power of acupuncture alone that will enable one to successfully quit his smoking although acupuncture is a major factor that greatly facilitates smoking cessation. One would also need a steely resolve and commitment to stop smoking. What acupuncture does is to control the irritability and the great craving to smoke while in the process of quitting smoking.
In the treatment to quit smoking, acupuncture needles are applied on acupuncture points in the ear. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) believes that the acupuncture points located in the ear are connected to meridians that in turn connect to the throat and lungs. After a session, usually the acupuncturist attaches metal ear pellets to prolong the effect of the treatment and help control smoking urges until the start of the next session.
Many acupuncturists believe that treatment works best when it is customized based on the patient’s smoking history and information. The duration, frequency and length of treatment vary from person to person. A thorough study of the patient’s smoking history would better prepare the acupuncturist to set a unique treatment plan that the patient will respond to very well.
To be realistic not all treatment plans work out well. For some people acupuncture may not be so effective in helping them quit smoking. A majority of these people have unsuccessful treatment because of a lack of commitment on their part or really are so overwhelmed by their cravings
If you desire to use acupuncture as a way to help you stop smoking, the first step then is to find and consult to a qualified and licensed acupuncturist. A good acupuncturist carefully inserts needles in the skin with any pain sensation felt by the patient. If you experience bleeding, infections and other physical injuries, then you are getting treatment from an inexperienced and unqualified acupuncturist.