Acupuncture a modality that is part of the ancient Chinese way of healing utilizes needles that are fine and non-hollow to treat many kinds of disorders, ailments or pain. Acupuncture has the ability to treat a dozens of disorders in a safe, effective and natural way. This makes it one of the most popular forms of alternative healthcare in Asia, Europe and the United States.
Orlando Acupuncture treatment is now a common form of treatment in the United States and Europe. A lot of physicians often recommend acupuncture for their patients who have ailments and pain that are longstanding and chronic. There are many doctors who even have been trained with acupuncture and most of them are now practicing medical acupuncturists who understand and adhere to the concepts and basic principles of acupuncture and believe in its therapeutic benefits regardless of criticisms about acupuncture itself by Western medical science.
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the body has pathways were energy travels. This energy is what keeps the body healthy, mature, reproduce, grow and thrive. When the body is weak, diseased and filled with stress, the energy traveling throughout the body is disrupted. This energy called chi which literally means vital force. The body’s weakness caused by the stagnation of chi flow, makes the organs energy deficient or even sometimes has an excess of energy. To enable the chi to flow normally once more or to redirect to other channels, acupuncture needles are applied at specific sites in the body that connect to the blocked meridian to remove the blockage and to enable the normal flow of blood and energy in the part of the body that suffers from blood and energy deficiency. The energy balance is restored once more and the body revoers from its sickness and pain is removed. Acupuncturists actually have a saying: “when there is no blockage, there will be no pains.
The first recorded uses of acupuncture was in the Huang Di Dynasty. Legend says that a ruler of this dynasty was suffering from a disorder. When he consulted with his physician, he decreed later on that medical writings be done and compiled by all the physicians in China. This compilation became the Nei Jing which is Asia’s first collection of medical writings. The Nei Jing has two sections. The first section discussed about diagnosis, disease and anatomy while the second section, named cosmos was a compilation of studies discussing traditional acupuncture treatment.
The height of acupuncture’s popularity came during the Tang and Sui dynasties. These were times when the study of acupuncture was integrated into the school curriculum of medical schools all over china. The methods and techniques of acupuncture were slowly developed during the Ming Dynasty. This dynasty saw the rise of new techniques and applications of acupuncture which even now are taught, followed and practiced by both medical and traditional acupuncturists.
With acupuncture updated to adapt to 21st medical technology, its potentials will only lead to greater uses for illnesses that traditionally were thought to be outside the capacity of acupuncture to treat. The key to understanding how acupuncture really works will be the goal of Western science. Once acupuncture is fully understood, this wonderful treatment can then be appreciated and utilized optimally as a treatment for many more human maladies.