Whenever Chinese medicine is practiced, the practitioner always aims to treat imbalances that have developed along the energy meridians inside the body. Acupuncture Orlando came to be more popular just recently. Herbal medicine was for a long time the preferred mode of treatment by the Chinese upper class. Acupuncture because of its relatively simple procedure was the treatment the Chinese lower class could afford. When it was first introduced in the United States, mainstream medicine was using acupuncture for the relief of pain and was even used as a kind of anesthesia for surgeries that required the patient to remain fully conscious during surgery. Acupuncture now is also used for scar treatment and as another option for surgery.
Acupuncture can treat scars such as lipoma and it is preferred more than surgery. Scars especially the ones that can easily be seen are problematic for people who are conscious about how they look. However, a far worse effect of scars is the way it affects the energy meridians. Scars can block meridians in which chi or life energy travels on.
According to traditional Chinese medicine, the body has 12 basic meridians and each meridian is associated with a particular body organ. An imbalance in a meridian will negatively affect the organ it is associated with. If a scar, no matter how small it may be is located along a vital acupuncture point (points in the skin connected to meridians), it may cause problems in the flow of chi. For people without any knowledge of acupuncture, the only way to remover scar is through surgery, which also can lead to scarring! Scars that can be remedied by surgery are those that were not properly sutured. For those who do not like surgery, the use of acupuncture needles to remove the scar or rubbing the scar area with wheat germ oil are two alternative gentler approaches.
Because of the metaphysical aspect of acupuncture, empirical research that can lead to concrete evidence of its efficacy is difficult to do. Interestingly, acupuncture is an ancient healing art many thousands of years of old used to treat many kinds of health disorders.
There is no one who does not feel fear and anxiety right before undergoing surgery. Acupuncture can take away this anxiety and in fact, many hospitals do allow the use of acupuncture for some of the patients who will undergo an operation. Some acupuncturists use metal beads attached to the ear that like acupuncture needles help the patient to relax.
The most amazing aspect of acupuncture is its ability to elicit a temporary or permanent anesthetic effect to any part of the body. Researchers have figured out that this effect is really more of a side effect of acupuncture than a sought after result.
Whenever Chinese medicine is practiced, the practitioner always aims to treat imbalances that have developed along the energy meridians inside the body. Acupuncture came to be more popular just recently. Herbal medicine was for a long time the preferred mode of treatment by the Chinese upper class. Acupuncture because of its relatively simple procedure was the treatment the Chinese lower class could afford. When it was first introduced in the United States, mainstream medicine was using acupuncture for the relief of pain and was even used as a kind of anesthesia for surgeries that required the patient to remain fully conscious during surgery. Acupuncture now is also used for scar treatment and as another option for surgery.
Acupuncture can treat scars such as lipoma and it is preferred more than surgery. Scars especially the ones that can easily be seen are problematic for people who are conscious about how they look. However, a far worse effect of scars is the way it affects the energy meridians. Scars can block meridians in which chi or life energy travels on.
According to traditional Chinese medicine, the body has 12 basic meridians and each meridian is associated with a particular body organ. An imbalance in a meridian will negatively affect the organ it is associated with. If a scar, no matter how small it may be is located along a vital acupuncture point (points in the skin connected to meridians), it may cause problems in the flow of chi. For people without any knowledge of acupuncture, the only way to remover scar is through surgery, which also can lead to scarring! Scars that can be remedied by surgery are those that were not properly sutured. For those who do not like surgery, the use of acupuncture needles to remove the scar or rubbing the scar area with wheat germ oil are two alternative gentler approaches.
Because of the metaphysical aspect of acupuncture, empirical research that can lead to concrete evidence of its efficacy is difficult to do. Interestingly, acupuncture is an ancient healing art many thousands of years of old used to treat many kinds of health disorders.
There is no one who does not feel fear and anxiety right before undergoing surgery. Acupuncture can take away this anxiety and in fact, many hospitals do allow the use of acupuncture for some of the patients who will undergo an operation. Some acupuncturists use metal beads attached to the ear that like acupuncture needles help the patient to relax.
The most amazing aspect of acupuncture is its ability to elicit a temporary or permanent anesthetic effect to any part of the body. Researchers have figured out that this effect is really more of a side effect of acupuncture than a sought after result.