Acupuncture Saratoga Springs is a very important part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Debate is ongoing in the West on whether acupuncture is a credible treatment for any kind of disorders. Whether or not a consensus develops regarding the role of acupuncture in Western medicine, the fact is acupuncture has been used for thousands of years in treating a wide range of disorders including obesity.
In the West, acupuncture is slowly seen to be a good option for obese people who have tried countless weight loss programs but have failed to give them the result they desire. The most common treatment of acupuncture for weight loss is called auricular acupuncture or acupuncture of the ear. TCM believes that every living thing has an energy called vital force or chi in Chinese inside it that gives life, health and growth to living things including human beings. Chi run throughout the body through energy lines called meridians. Acupuncture points or acupoints are sites in the body that run along meridians just located beneath the skin. There are meridians that associate with major organs in the body. Acupuncturists treat meridians that associate with the stomach to control hunger; some of those meridians are located on the ear. Acupoints on the ear connected to the stomach meridians are treated with needles to rebalance chi and regulate hunger. Many meridians are located on the ear and one particular meridian connects to the vagus nerve that can stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system. This part of the nervous system also helps regulate the digestive function allowing it to function properly and efficiently.
The needles also stimulate the production and release of neurotransmitters called endorphins. These chemicals are the body’s natural painkillers and “feel good” chemicals and they generate a feeling of comfort, tranquility and euphoria to the body. This helps relieve any painful sensations in the body and enable to people to fight stress, anxiety, depression and other extreme negative emotions, which can cause the body to crave for food as a way to comfort themselves. Thus we have the term “comfort foods”. Not a few antidepressants have chemicals that can alter the appetite of people and many drugs for losing weight have also the ability to stimulate the release of endorphins. The only problem with these drugs is that they have other chemicals that cause harmful and sometimes serious side effects to the body.
It is common to hear of heart irregularities and palpitations after taking some of these drugs. There are no such side effects with acupuncture. In fact, there are more beneficial side effects to acupuncture such as improved blood circulation; increased immune strength and renewed vitality that no other pharmaceutical product can also claim to give a person.