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Alternative Medicine News

Itching – Tests and Diagnosis

Some of the tests and examinations for diagnosing the cause of your itching skin can include:

Skin Examination

The physician carefully examines your skin to look for any skin disorders that might reveal signs of pemphigus, scabies, eczema, herpetiformis, dermatitis or hives.

Physical Examination

Your doctor will observe you for signs of skin discoloration and perform certain body examinations.

  • Jaundice – When your skin color becomes yellowish, it may be an indication of underlying liver diseases like primary biliary cirrhosis, liver metastases, obstructive jaundice, hepatitis, liver metastases and primary biliary cirrhosis
  • Plethoric facial color – When your face color turns from normal reddish color to blue, it may be an indication of polycythemia rubra vera, which means that the body is producing too much red blood cells than needed.
  • Unusual odor – This can be a sign of diabetic acidosis, liver failure or chronic renal failure.
  • Lymph node examination – This test will help diagnose or rule out lymphoma
  • Stomach examination – This is a test to observe if you have an enlarged liver. If you suffer from an enlarged liver, it can be a sign of primary biliary cirrhosis, carcinoid syndrome, liver metastases, hepatitis or obstructive jaundice

Blood Tests

These tests can involve:

  • Serum protein electrophoresis – This is done when the doctor believes you have multiple myeloma
  • Mitochondrial autoantibodies – Performed if the doctor thinks you are suffering from primary biliary cirrhosis
  • Hepatitis serology
  • Pregnancy test
  • Fasting blood sugar
  • Thyroid functions tests
  • Iron studies
  • Liver functions tests
  • Electrolytes and renal function tests
  • Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and full blood count

Urine Tests

These tests can consist of:

  • Urinalysis
  • Skin tests – These can include skin allergy tests and microscopic exam to search for mites and lice
  • Stool tests – A sample of your stool will be microscopically observed to search for cysts and eggs that might indicate infestation
  • 5-HIAA – To rule out or diagnose carcinoid syndrome if suspected

When skin itching cause is not properly identified, some of the following tests can be done to determine its origin. These tests can be:

  • Body temperature reading – Your temperature rises when your body suffers from cancers or infections and so measuring your temperature can help determine if your body has health problems. Weight measurement also can be done if you begin to lose weight for unknown reasons. Weight loss may happen if you are under extreme stress, have eating disorders, cancers or malabsorption among others
  • Body examination – To identify skin changes, sensitive body areas, parasites, rash or jaundice
  • Blood tests – These can be tests for:
    • Red cell levels – More in polycythemia, less in anemia
    • White cells – More in various lymphomas, leukemia and certain infections)
    • Sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein or CRP – Rises in malignancies and in certain infections
    • Glucose or blood sugar – Increases if one has diabetes
    • BUN or blood urea nitrogen, Urea – Elevated during kidney failure
    • Toxic heavy metals – Test for traces of cadmium, bismuth, arsenic, aluminum, lead and mercury among others
    • Zinc level – Gastrointestinal issues and skin itching can come from lack of zinc in the body
    • Vit A level
    • Thyroid and parathyroid hormones
    • Liver enzymes
  • Chest X-ray – To rule out or diagnose for Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • Stomach ultrasound – Test for gallbladder or liver disease
  • Urinalysis – For high levels of glucose or kidney and liver disease among others
  • Stool tests – For indications of internal or occult bleeding or intestinal parasites

Skin biopsy or skin scraping can also be performed to test for diseases like Crohn’s disease or celiac disease.

Diet tests may be done to observe for any intolerance to certain foods (allergies, celiac disease, fructose malabsorption and lactose intolerance or fructose malabsorption).

Sometimes temporary discontinuance of the medicines you are taking to see if side effects from these drugs are causing you itching or allergies.

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