Because it mimics or copies other condition, Crohn’s disease can be quite hard to diagnose. It may not be the first thing the doctor might consider even when the patient describe the characteristics of the symptom. Individuals often assume they suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and may try to tacke the problem on their own.
Usually Crohn’s sufferers acquire their condition during their younger years (i. e., during their teens). Now there are indications that this disease can run in families, and there even instances when both couples suffer from this disease. Crohn’s can also be caused by the environment. This disease is not fatal although a lot of people will try several modalities to help relieve their symptoms. A Crohn’s patient can also find relief in certain medications and if the condition is severe surgery might be the only option of the patient.
Acupuncture as an alternative treatment to Crohn’s disease.
You have to first understand how acupuncture works in order to know how acupuncture works in the treatment of Crohn’s disease. The ancient Chinese medicinal procedure of acupuncture works on the principle that the body is made up of energy pathways known as meridians that run throughout the body. A blockage in or more these meridians will result in a health issue s including possibly, Crohn’s disease. The acupuncturist uses extremely thin needles that are inserted into specific pressure points in the body known as acupoints. Underneath these acupoints are the meridians. The needle stimulates the meridians resulting in the initiation of therapeutic effects that lead to the treatment of a condition.
The stimulation causes the energy blockages to disappear enabling blood and energy to flowi freely once more. This then helps the body to heal itself.
Since it is an issue involving the digestive tract Crohn’s disease can cause patients to lose weight, as the body has a difficulty ingesting the nutrition from the digested foods in the digestive tract. Problems often affect the intestines although the condition can impact any region of the digestive system. In treating Crohn’s disease acupuncturists target the meridians that are associated with the digestive tract.
There are patients who will say that Crohn’s disease treatment and acupuncture in Bellingham go hand in hand, and there will be other patients who will also state that they derived zero benefits from acupuncture in the treatment of their condition. If you want to try acupuncture, you may first want to consult with your doctor first. He will advice you on the right thing to do and may even recommend a qualified and licensed practitioner who specializes in digestive system disorders.