For those with excessive perspiration problems, acupuncture is a treatment they should consider as it may cure them of their condition. Excessive perspiration, clinically known as hyperhidrosis, is a condition no one knows for sure how it is caused although scientists suspect that it has something to do with the sweat glands reacting extremely to both emotional stress and temperature. Secondary hyperhidrosis can be triggered by issues such as obesity, menopause, cancer, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, anxiety disorders, and panic attacks.
There are several modes of treatment for this condition and they can be as radical and extreme as surgery to as noninvasive and natural as acupuncture. Acupuncture for the treatment of hyperhidrosis has been used to successfully cure excessive sweating.
Acupuncture for the treatment of hyperhidrosis and other types of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatments are often ignored and underestimated by western medicine. This foolish way of treating alternative treatments has led to the oftentimes unnecessary use of dangerous treatment such as prescription drugs and surgery for the treatment of a mild disorder such as hyperhidrosis. Developed in China and used there for more than 4,000 years, acupuncture is one of the oldest and most popular forms of medical treatment in the world today.
Acupuncture for the Treatment of Hyperhidrosis. What is It All About?
In the United States, acupuncture initially was mainly used to treat pain. After several studies conducted over the years, it was seen to be helpful in the curing of hyperhidrosis.
Acupuncture is actually a treatment that includes a variety of procedures used to activate anatomical points on the body. Acupuncture is used to activate points directly associated with excessive sweating. Acupuncture techniques used in the US integrate medical traditions in Asian countries such as Korea, Japan, and China. The technique of acupuncture has been the most scientifically studied and it involves the insertion of metallic, solid, thin needles in the skin that are then electrically stimulated or manually manipulated to induce healing effects.
How does Acupuncture for the Treatment of Hyperhidrosis Feel Like?
Patients respond to acupuncture treatment in different and unique ways. However, most patients commonly sense little or no pain as the needles stuck into the skin are extremely thin. Some patients feel extremely relaxed by the treatment while others feel energized. When the needles are improperly inserted or if the needle used has a defect, it can lead to pain and soreness during treatment. These are reasons why it’s always necessary to seek treatment from a licensed and experience hyperhidrosis acupuncturist.
Is acupuncture safe?
In 1996, the U.S. FDA (Food and Drug Administration) endorsed acupuncture as a valid treatment for various types of conditions, including hyperhidrosis. The FDA has stated that only nontoxic sterile needles will be used for acupuncture treatment and the needles should be marked for single use by licensed practitioners.
Acupuncture for the treatment of hyperhidrosis has relatively few complications. There are literally millions of patients who go for acupuncture treatment each year in the US with very few complication and treatment issues reported. Most of the complaints are due to the use of dirty needles and improper delivery of treatments. Acupuncture can result in serious negative effects including punctured organs and infection when not delivered properly.
Doctors with a knowledge of what acupuncture is all about can provide with you with excellent referrals for qualified acupuncturists specializing in hyperhidrosis treatment. These days, more and more medical specialists including anesthesiologists, neurologists and physical medicine specialists, are training to become medical acupuncture and practitioners of TCM and other CAM modalities.
Check the Credentials of Your Acupuncturist.
Acupuncturists who specialize or have experience treating excessive sweating should always have a license to legally practice their profession in your state.
Christina Prieto is an Orlando acupuncturist, a certified Yoga instructor and the founder of Harmony Wellness Center in Central Florida.