Health Intuitive

Alternative Medicine News

How Acupuncture Overland Park Works

Acupuncture Overland Park is an ancient Chinese medical tradition of introducing disposable, sterile and ultra thin needles into specific points in the skin called acupuncture points or acupoints to stimulate the flow of energy in the body.  The needles promote healing, improve blood circulation, remove pain and optimize function of the body systems by removing blockages in the passageways of vital energy.

Taoism, which traditional Chinese medicine is based on, espouses the belief that a life energy called chi exists and flows in all living things, giving these creatures life, growth and strength.  Chi flows on pathway networks called meridians and when chi is blocked in the meridians illnesses and health disorders happen.  The meridians connect to the skin via the acupoints.  The needles applied to the acupoints restore chi flow, which helps in the treatment of various kinds of illnesses and pain.  The needles also optimizes the function of the body systems and even neutralizes all sorts of addictions and cravings.
Even today, Western scientists do not exactly know how acupuncture does what it does.  One popular notion is that acupuncture stimulates the brain and the nervous system to produce and secrete pain-killing chemicals to relieve pain and distress.  Whether that idea holds in the future is irrelevant to the reality of the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating a host of illnesses and disorders.

The use of needles in acupuncture may obscure the fact that it is a very safe treatment.  The thing to remember is that acupuncture is safe in the hands of a qualified acupuncturist.  Besides, being safe and a cure for pain, acupuncture helps the patient feel relaxed and comfortable during and after treatment.  Most patients experience a very tranquil feeling as if he/she is floating in the air while undergoing treatment. The needles are so thin that it is as pliable as a guitar string.

Acupuncture also works for asthma and skin disorders.  It is used as a supplementary treatment for other treatment programs like chemotherapy to take away the nauseous effect of this deadly therapy.  Acupuncture is a proven treatment for extreme negative emotions such as anxiety and depression.  As mentioned it is a relief for stress and benefits people suffering from conditions like infertility, over eating (obesity) or sleeplessness to mention just a few.

There are different variations of acupuncture in the world.  There is a Japanese, Korean or a Thai version that diverges just a little from the traditional Chinese version.  Medical acupuncture is the procedure mostly practiced by many acupuncturists in the United States.  Two such popular forms of medical acupuncture is electro acupuncture and trigger point acupuncture. The methods may be different but the underlying philosophy is still the same with all the different forms of this treatment around the world.

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