With help from phytotherapy, the all-natural treatment of acupuncture Jacksonville allows women to enjoy a healthy pregnancy with benefits not only for the expectant mother but for the fetus as well. Phytotherapy, better known as herbal medicine, combined with acupuncture, revitalizes the mother’s health and boost her immune system. They effectively address many conditions related to pregnancy such as anemia (lack of iron), UTI, respiratory infections, preecclampsia, toxemia of pregnancy, gestational diabetes and miscarriage risks among others. Acupuncture and herbal therapy have no side effects and as long the right acupoints are treated, there are no contraindications in their use.
The benefits that stand out the most are the ability of these two therapies to cleanse and detoxify the body. Throughout one’s life, the body accumulates used and dead cells together with the toxins they cause. These can cause dysfunctions in the body systems particularly the body’s major organs causing fatigue, metabolic dosroders, immune weaknesses and others. Both phytotherapy and acupuncture efficiently remove these materials allowing both mother and child to live in a healthy and clean body.
Hormonal adjustment and changes that the body undergoes during pregnancy can cause fatigue. It is not uncommon to see pregnant women having difficulty performing their daily activities, much more their professional career, if they have one. These states of weakness can be remedied by regular acupuncture that is aimed at reinvigorating the body and a mixture of specialized herbal tonic that enhance the function of the muscular system and of the central nervous system. The immune functions improve as well shielding both baby and mother from infections, pollution and diseases.
In general, acupuncture is often utilized for the alleviation of distress and pain. Needles inserted at specific acupoints enable endorphin secretion that acts as a natural but strong analgesic to remove pain. The feeling of sickness is mitigated by the proper energy balance and improved blood flow that goes with acupuncture and phytotherapy.
The multi tasking of re-energizing the body, balancing the person’s mental and emotional state and normalizing hormonal activity enables phytotherapy and acupuncture to take away anxiety and depression. As an extension of its benefits in fighting negative extreme emotions, post-partum depression is also neutralized by both therapies.
Acupuncture and herbology is able to address the hormonal changes, which can cause high blood pressure. Besides hypertension, pregnant women suffering from hormonal fluctuations can suffer preecclampsia, irregular heartbeat, palpitations and periods of breathlessness.
Other conditions the pregnant woman may suffer due to hormonal changes are migraines and edema. The added stress caused by physiological and hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause migraine attacks and inefficient metabolic activity of the body. Because of its effectiveness in treating pains and headaches, migraines can also be treated with herbal remedies and acupuncture. These modalities also treat edema by improving the digestive and metabolic function of the body.