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Alternative Medicine News

Helping Women Cope with Menopause with Acupuncture Overland Park

Menopause is the permanent stoppage of a woman’s menstrual function.  This phase of a woman’s life progresses slowly as the female ovaries slowly but surely loses its function to produce estrogen.  The waning amounts of estrogen in the body lessen fertility which likewise reduces the chances of conception until eventually the body loses its reproduction function totally.  Menopause is a woman’s natural phase of her life but it can also be caused by surgical procedures like a hysterectomy where the ovaries of the female are taken out of the uterus.  A woman typically enters menopause during the age of 50.

Women have different experiences with their menopause.  Some have no hard time at all handling the effects of menopause while there are females who suffer from an assortment of menopausal symptoms.  These symptoms can include irritability, insomnia, night sweats, painful hot flashes, mood swings, memory loss, depression, fatigue, lowered libido, joint discomfort, osteoporosis, urinary incontinence and urgency and vaginal dryness.  There are some very effective treatments to deal with the symptoms of menopause.  One of these is traditional Chinese medicine, specifically, acupuncture.  Acupuncture has been treating the symptomatic manifestations of menopause for many millennia.  It obviously works because if it didn’t, this treatment wouldn’t be talked about at all.

How does acupuncture work?  Women with menopausal symptoms who have tried acupuncture report at least fewer episodes of night sweats, mood swings and tingling.  Since it is a natural form of treatment, it may take a number of sessions to achieve the best outcomes.  Acupuncture works by balancing the energy levels in the body.  When a body is energy imbalanced sickness and pain is felt.  The principle of acupuncture basically is the belief in chi or vital energy flowing in the body.

All people experience an imbalance of energy at least at one point in their lives.  When energy imbalances in the organs and tissues exist, there will be corresponding illnesses that will arise.  Some causes of energy imbalance include overwork, emotional stress and lack of exercise.  What acupuncture does is to remove the blockages that have developed in the chi pathways called meridians. It also balances the chi components of yin and yang which function like the positive and negative forces in electricity.

When the female reaches her perimenopause stage, she starts losing amounts of yin energy.  What acupuncture does is to add yin energy in the body to help compensate for the lost yin enabling to establish a relative balance of yin and yang in the body.  Combined with acupuncture, the acupuncturist will team up with a herbologist or if he is a herbologist himself to give certain herbal formulas to the female that will replenish her deficient yin energy.

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