Crohn’s patients are often prescribed with Remicade. There are other sufferers of this disease who have found that when acupuncture is integrated into their treatment course, it provides them with relief of Crohn’s symptoms and helps them better cope with their condition.
Based on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), there are over 2,000 acupuncture points in the body and each of these is associated with twenty energy channels known as meridians. These meridians convey life energy (qi) between the body’s surface and the internal organs. Qi produces various effects on every acupuncture point it passes through. It also is able to balance the factors that affect the mind and body. It is thought by TCM that Crohn’s disease and other digestive conditions are due to kidney support deficiency and a disturbance of liver and spleen. TCM practitioners believe that intestinal disorders, such as Crohn’s disease, are a disruption of the spleen and liver and insufficient kidney support. Therefore, it is often the case where acupuncture points associated with the affected organs that will be targeted for treatment in order to alleviate symptoms.
In contrast to TCM that believes that symptomatic relief is the result of stimulating the meridians by needling them through their corresponding acupuncture points that results in the proper balance in mind and body, Western medicine, on the other hand, provides certain explanations on why acupuncture works. Scientists believe that acupuncture activates the nervous system that block pain signals from reaching the brain. One theory explanation states that acupuncture stimulates the brain to manufacture and release the body’s own natural painkillers known as endorphins. There are some who think that acupuncture can release opiods into the body. Opioids are substances in the body that help alleviate pain.
In China, for thousands of years, acupuncture is a common treatment for choice for resolving inflammatory bowel conditions, and is being used by a growing number of people in Western societies. The effectiveness of acupuncture in treating mild to moderate symptoms of Crohn’s disease has been researched a number of times, especially regarding the way this therapy can effect a change in the well-being and overall quality of life of Crohn’s disease patients. The results of these research works show that traditional acupuncture was able to relieve the symptoms of Crohn’s disease in most of the patients who participated.
Acupuncture can treat the symptoms of Crohn’s disease including:
-Menstrual cramping
How is Acupuncture Done?
The method of acupuncture to be used will be based on the patient. Each acupuncture patient is treated with a unique type of acupuncture treatment based on his/her own specific needs.
In order to activate qi flow, filamental needles are inserted into pre-determined acupuncture points located in the patient’s skin. Underneath these points lay the meridians that are to be stimulated. Since these meridians lie just underneath the acupoints, the needles are not inserted as deeply as hypodermic needles that are used to draw blood.
The needles do not generate pain when they are inserted into the skin although the patient may experience a slight numbing, aching, or tingling sensation in the site of the treatment. Any discomfort that may be felt immediately goes away after the needles have been removed.
After the needles are inserted, the acupuncture doctor may manipulate the needles or attach them to a mild electrical current so as to make the stimulation more powerful. Oils and herbs may also be given along with the needles to help make the treatment more effective. The whole process may last for 20 minutes to a full hour.
To receive the best possible treatment, you need to seek treatment from a licensed acupuncturist and preferably one with significant experience treating inflammatory bowel problems. You also need to consult with your doctor first before you go for alternative therapies such as acupuncture.
Scott Paglia is a licensed and board certified acupuncturist in Bellingham, WA and provides master level pulse diagnosis, Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture in Whatcom County, WA.