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Get Help Quitting Smoking with Chinese Medicine Treatments

One of the worst vices of society is smoking. For a lot of individuals, smoking is an essential way to relax and wind down from the pressures and stresses of life. Smoking exists whenever men engage in conversation. It is a habit a person can forego. Nowadays, this habit is considered polluting to the smoker as well to others who are affected by the fumes. Worse, smoking greatly affects the health of the smoker and of those inhaling the smoke. Chronic smoking can lead to a number of respiratory and cardiovascular problems over time. This is one reason why nowadays we see communities and organizations encouraging smokers to quit.

Tobacco contains several noxious and cancer causing substances. These include ammonia, carbon monoxide, nicotine, tar, and a number of very toxic substances even including polonium, a lethal poison. Heavy or frequent smoking invites various kinds of conditions that affect a person’s health including arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack, bronchitis, emphysema, and lung cancer.

Even cigarette ads warn people that smoking cigarette can be dangerous to their health. Doctors warn their patients that if they are not smokers, they should not even attempt to start. Chain smokers are advised to seek help in order to stop, or at least, lessen this nasty habit.

One of the best ways to stop smoking is by taking Chinese medicine besides resisting the urge to smoke. The best Chinese medicine modality for this is ear acupuncture. This type of acupuncture has the ability to eliminate the cravings for nicotine, one of the most addictive chemicals found in cigarettes and tobacco. Ear acupuncture can aid the smoker in breaking his addiction as well as help detoxify the body off elements causing his addiction. It helps the patient relax and feel calm which more often than not is why the person smokes in the first place. Each patient reacts differently to acupuncture. Some may respond quickly to the treatment while for others, it may take a longer time to experience the effects; some may not respond to the treatment at all. But the most important thing to make the treatment work is the desire of the patient to overcome his addiction.

Gan Cao and Cigarette Smoking

Gan Cao or Licorice root is a Chinese medicinal herb that has properties that can help a person overcome his smoking addiction.

It can dissuade the chronic smoker from smoking pack after pack after pack. All he needs do is to inhale the aroma of the gan cao herb. Mix one liter of water with 300 grams of gan cao then boil the mixture. Allow the mixture to simmer then strain the concoction. Add the paste to the tobacco. Both the taste and aroma of gan cao will help the person stop the smoking.

Smoking and Kudzu

Kundzu is an ancient medicinal herb that has been used to treat several kinds of illnesses. One of the active ingredients found in this plant is isoflavone. Isoflavone can mimic the effects of nicotine in the brain receptors which can aid in the cessation of the person’s smoking habit. Use kudzu as a dietary supplement. It can be bought in tablet form and taken once a day. It is also sold in tea and capsule form. To know what the right dosage is for you, consult with a doctor or a licensed herbalist.

It’s never an easy task to completely quit smoking. Keep on trying, if you have failed quitting the first, second, or third time. If you have the strength and the determination to quit smoking, you will be able to eventually, of course with a little help fight from Chinese medicine.

Eastern Healing Solutions, LLC
10875 Grandview St #2200
Overland Park, KS 66210
(913) 549-4322

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