Health Intuitive

Alternative Medicine News

Acupuncture Edina for Losing Weight

Acupuncture Edina is a technique that involves inserting needles into nerve endings to relieve pressure and tension in the muscles and other forms of ailments and neurological conditions.  Acupuncture is also used to treat the most common seen epidemic in the United States today: obesity.  Because of the agitated and busy lifestyle modern day living has imposed on us, few comforts in life can give us instant gratification especially when relieving stresses as eating “comfort foods” do, which we eat in large amounts. When we put in more calories more than we burn, we gain weight.  The lack of sleep we get due to irregular work hours or due to anxiety and stress, we compensate with eating foods that are often unhealthy for us; consequently obesity sets in.

To battle obesity, acupuncture stimulates the digestive system (liver, kidneys, intestines stomach, etc) improving digestive function and manipulates hunger sensation as well as removing pain and stress from joints and muscles.  These processes revitalize the mind and body and help stimulate the urge to do physical activities to help burn calories faster.

Stress is a great factor in causing us to live an unbalanced lifestyle.  Happily, acupuncture is a great way to relieve stress and thus can help remove fatigue as well.  This treatment is also a great way to get adequate and satisfying sleep.  It is up to us, however, to select the best healthy diet for our health and when unhealthy food is discarded, acupuncture can help the body remove the toxins and harmful substances ingested from unhealthy foods.  Another great effect of acupuncture that greatly can benefit the obese person is its ability to regulate hunger sensations.  Acupuncture does this by manipulating the sending of electric signals through neurons in strategic spots.  As acupuncture begins detoxifying the body, it also helps build up energy, lowers fatigue and increases muscle strength that induces the person to spend this energy through physical activities.  Acupuncture improves blood flow throughout the body, nourishing and revitalizing the body organs helping them, particularly the lungs and the heart, to function optimally.

We can see that obesity is a symptom of so many health conditions that causes the body to overeat.  Acupuncture is truly an amazing recourse for combating obesity as it attacks these conditions that induce overeating.  Of course, the individual itself needs to participate in this transformation by eating highly nutritious foods that can satisfy with just a few servings and do physical activities that make the individual healthy and help burn those unwanted calories.  In short, one needs to have a change of lifestyle and diet that is conducive to healthy living.   Acupuncture greatly assists in accomplishing these changes making them easy to do because this treatment itself will provide impetus to facilitate achieving these changes.

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