Health Intuitive

Alternative Medicine News

Drug Addiction – Lifestyle and Home Remedies

To help sufferers from drug addiction transition from their drug problems to normal, healthy and productive lives there are lifestyle modifications they can do and home remedies they can avail of.  The road to recovery may involve a long process that may entail enduring several episodes of withdrawal symptoms that can be mitigated by supports and remedies the patient can readily avail of.

Liquid flush

One of the best ways to rapidly remove toxins (drugs) from your bloodstream is to drink lots of water and other liquids. There are highly recommended drinks like cranberry juice to effectively flush out the pernicious drugs.


Walking can help improve your blood circulation and sweat which are good ways to remove the toxins in your bloodstream.

Healthy Diet

Select healthy nutritious foods that not only make you healthy but make your body loose huge amounts of toxins in a much faster time period.  Some of the products you need to avoid include refined carbohydrates, caffeins and sugar. You can substitute these foods with a supply of vegetable, lean meat, dairy, fresh fruits and whole grains.

Hot baths

Immerse yourself in a relaxing hot bath to help you lessen stress. Always keep yourself hydrated
After care

Join support groups.  Having a support group can help you in so many ways.  You can get counselling in a support group and make your recovery process much easier and faster. A support group also provides you a healthy environment that helps keeps your mind off your cravings.


Drug addicts are usually acutely deficient in nutrition. So it can a bit helpful if the person suffering from drug addiction is given the much needed nutrients and vitamins he requires. The more important vitamins include vit B, C and  E as well as beta carotene – all vital for home remedies for substance addiction.

Herbal Remedies:

A lot of healthy teas can improve your mood and better immune function. Some of the recommended herbs to be taken include peppermint and chamomile. These teas can bring you to a better mood as well as lift the spirits and boost the immune system.  These help the body become stronger and more resilient.

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