Health Intuitive

Alternative Medicine News

Does Acupuncture Miami Work?

The consensus of western medical science is that acupuncture does not work for all types of people.  People respond to acupuncture Miami treatment in different ways.  In some cases, some people may need a number of treatment sessions for the effect of acupuncture to kick in while there are some who respond to it relatively quickly.  There have been numerous controlled studies showing the effectiveness of acupuncture on the majority of subjects who participated in them.

In spite of the lukewarm reception of western medicine towards acupuncture, the latter has been growing in popularity.  Mainstream medicine has integrated acupuncture in some surgeries, acknowledging its power to relieve or block out pain.  Even in the field of combat, injured US soldiers are using acupuncture as treatment for their wounds and pain.  Doctors now consider prescribing acupuncture treatment on patients having pain as their chief complaint.

As painkiller and a controller for addiction and cravings, acupuncture utilizes the aid of the body itself.  It helps stimulate the brain to release endorphins and other “feel-good” chemicals to mitigate the pain and with the aid of herbal medicine and other special modalities, cures the source of the pain.  Acupuncture similarly uses endorphins to help quell the addiction or cravings of the individual and thus helps the individual to have the willpower to resist these cravings or addictions.  After a successful treatment, the patient usually comes out not only addiction-free or craving-free; he/she also comes out a new and bright individual with a more optimistic outlook in life.

Acupuncture clinics do receive patients whose purpose is to lose weight.  It has been the number one alternative form of treatment in the US for people wanting to lose weight without needing to resort to pharmaceutical drugs.  For emotional problems, acupuncture studies show that acupuncture can be as effective as psychotherapy and drugs making it a superior alternative for pharmaceutical drugs for the reasons that unlike pharmaceutical drugs, acupuncture does not carry side effects on individuals and it helps with the emotional problems of the individual.

In cases of infertility, acupuncture studies have shown that acupuncture has been effective in treating some cases of infertility such as endometriosis or polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS.  Acupuncture relaxes the patient while undergoing stressful assisted reproductive programs such as In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).  Acupuncture also enhances the likelihood of conception by strengthening the organs and tissues vital for reproduction and balancing the hormonal secretion of the body.  Again, many clinical studies have reinforced the validity of these claims.

For many skeptics who have focused on the statistics where acupuncture seemed to have failed to live up to its expectations, many others, in spite of the skeptics have benefited greatly from acupuncture and as a result, this ancient Chinese treatment has only been growing, slowly but surely, in popularity in the US year by year.

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