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Alternative Medicine News

Cosmetic Acupuncture Can Benefit You Internally and Externally

These days, Americans are expected to live in good health beyond their 70’s and 80’s. Due to this rise in life expectancy and significant improvements in health, a lot of men and women are finding ways to look as young as they feel. Each year in the United States, billions of dollars are spent on cosmetics and anti-aging creams. Botox injections and plastic surgery are now not only exclusively for the rich and famous, they are more and more being used as a routine first line of defense for anyone who desire to look young once more.

However, the inherent risks and invasive nature associated with Botox injections or surgery are more than what people are willing to endure to shed off a few years off their face. Because of this, more and more people are turning to an ancient treatment that is more natural and safe that can endow them with a young and healthy face. This treatment is known as cosmetic acupuncture that only recently has provided aging baby boomers a way to not only to look younger but to boost their well-being as well.

The use of cosmetic acupuncture in China was used by the Empress and the Emperor’s concubines during the Sung Dynasty, (960 AD to 1270 AD). The treatment is about the application of filiform needles on acupuncture points in the body and face. According to the ancient principles of TCM or Traditional Chinese Medicine, cosmetic acupuncture increases the flow of blood and qi (energy) to the face. This boost in circulation means that more elastin, collagen, and nutrients are being transported to the facial area. Besides these benefits, cosmetic acupuncture also rejuvenates the appearance of the face by improving the person’s health and reducing stress.

The benefits of cosmetic acupuncture may vary from person to person. However, its common effects include the removal of jowls and a general lifting of the face, reduced puffiness around the eyes, a softening of wrinkles, and a glowing and healthy-looking complexion. The International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture published a 1996 study showing that among 300 subjects, 90% experienced improvements, a feeling of overall rejuvenation, reduced wrinkles and fine lines, and a better complexion. Besides that, several of the participants reported that cosmetic acupuncture also provided them with extra health benefits like fewer TMJ symptoms, such as teeth grinding, fewer acne breakouts, lessened hot flashes, relief of menstrual discomfort, and enhanced digestion.

Cosmetic acupuncture can benefit almost anyone although it oftentimes works best in people with good health who are bound to experience optimal improvement in their skin when they undergo this type of treatment. People suffer from chronic depleting conditions, people with poor digestion, and smokers should address their health problems first before trying cosmetic acupuncture. Cosmetic acupuncture can also exacerbate migraine headaches.

The other drawback of cosmetic acupuncture include the need to undergo 10 -12 treatment sessions to see significant results include surgery or Botox were the effects are immediate. And while the outcomes are noticeable, no one knows where and how much improvement is attained.

Because they have not tried acupuncture, many individuals presume that it’s a painful kind of therapy. The fact is people who have tried acupuncture say that the procedure is not painful. When needles are inserted, the patient may experience mild discomfort since there are parts of the face and body that are more sensitive than others. Your acupuncturist, however, may avail of various methods of insertion on the acupoints to limit sensation. Almost all who have tried acupuncture say that it is a very relaxing treatment that causes them to fall asleep while the needles are embedded in the body.

As mentioned, cosmetic acupuncture is very safe to use. There is no recovery time involved and no risk of disfigurement associated with this procedure. After they have undergone cosmetic acupuncture, most patients go back to work all feeling refreshed and relaxed. The benefits associated with this treatment include stress reduction and the improvement of your looks. In every sense of the word, cosmetic acupuncture is deemed a rejuvenating form of therapy internally and externally.

Jamie Catlett is an acupuncturist in Jacksonville, FL and the founder of Jacksonville Acupuncture Clinic.

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