Acupuncture Orlando treatment began in China probably as far about us 5000 years ago. Today it is one of the most popular medical treatments in the world. Because of its rising standard of living, the Chinese people have been exposed and introduced to unhealthy Western food choices. Often the diet consists off to much sugar, fat, and cooking without the need or emphasis on vegetables and fruits.
In the West, particularly in the United States, obesity is basically an epidemic of epic proportions. People have been slowly introduced to acupuncture as a viable alternative treatment for weight loss and many of those successfully treated of their excessive weight have said that acupuncture helps burn calories more efficiently, improves metabolism, regulates the appetite and increases the overall efficiency of the digestive system.
Traditional acupuncture treatment always involves the use of filiform, stainless steel sterilized needles inserted at specific parts of the body to stimulate internal body functions to help control cravings, improve metabolism and nutrient absorption and help detoxify the body. The needles are usually inserted on the ear and on areas near the lungs, kidneys, stomach, liver and spleen. Sometimes even the mouth is needled. Other weight-loss benefits of acupuncture are its ability to revitalize the body and to remove stress.
Stress is a major factor for weight gain as a person who suffers from emotional tension is liable to seek comfort from certain foods. The treatment of stress therefore helps the person avoid any unnecessary eating.
Sometimes in other acupuncture procedures, the needles are combined with electrical or laser energy to enhance the effect of the treatment. Sometimes, the practitioner will try to tweak or manipulate the needles to elicit a desired effect. The needles are left inserted in the skin for 20 minutes to almost an hour. Patients may feel different types of sensations as the needles are inserted. Some report a tingling sensation while others may report some kind of heat in the point of insertion.
Acupuncture treatment is much safer than many prescribed medications in the form of dietary supplements to improve metabolism and control appetite and have often very harmful side effects. Acupuncturists usually also suggests the intake of herbal medicine to facilitate and maintain weight loss. Since acupuncture is a natural treatment, its effect does not often show immediately. However, the feelings of stress and other extreme negative emotions are immediately lessened and replaced with either a feeling of rejuvenation or tranquility and relaxation.
If you consider going for acupuncture treatment, be sure to go to a licensed and well trained practitioner to avoid any unnecessary injuries or side effects. And most importantly, be sure to follow a healthy lifestyle and dietary habit so you may be successful in losing weight and maintaining it permanently.