Bellmore Acupuncture is a Chinese medical practice in which specific body areas are pierced with fine needles for therapeutic purposes or to relieve pain. It is an imported practice that goes against the American way of practicing medicine which includes pharmaceuticals and surgery.
However, it has grown in popularity in the US. Hollywood stars swear by it along with other segments of the population who believe in a more natural way to treat illnesses. Some people even go as far as to have this procedure performed on their pets. So why has this non-traditional form of medicine grown in its use?
Although the benefits of acupuncture are not totally accepted by the medical community or insurance companies, data on its benefits show it can cover a span on conditions. This new information is why so many people are turning to it instead of using traditional forms of handling their maladies. The pro’s are that acupuncture has very few side-effects and can be done quickly and easily. Below are a few more reasons why many people are turning to it to solve their problems.
1) Acupuncture decreases cravings. Is your diet working? If it isn’t, you may need to get acupuncture. Acupuncture has been shown to help reduce cravings. It can also help with nicotine addiction. For the best results, you should do acupuncture in conjunction with a traditional treatment for these areas.
2) Acupuncture increases infertility. Are you trying to get pregnant? Try a little acupuncture. Women getting IVF increased their chances of getting pregnant by 50% if they got acupuncture.
3) Acupuncture eliminates wrinkles. Before you get that face lift, try to smooth out your wrinkles with acupuncture. Practitioners in the American Association of Oriental Medicine have found that it works as well as Botox.
4) Acupuncture reduces your number of headaches. The buzz on the street is that two months of acupuncture can reduce your number of headaches by seven. So, instead of stocking up on aspirin, go to your local herbalist and see if they can steer you to the right acupuncturist. He or she may be able to eliminate your migraines.
5) Acupuncture helps with your PMS. Many women complain of suffering from PMS on a monthly basis. It causes bloating and emotional issues that can interrupt a girl’s life. Acupuncturists claim they can help a majority of women with a few treatments. This may be a good alternative for women who don’t want to take over-the-counter drugs or prescribed ones from their doctor.
Now that you know about a few of the benefits of acupuncture, you may want to try out a few sessions. You can find an acupuncturist in your area by going to See for yourself if acupuncture is for you.