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Alternative Medicine News

Acupuncture Bellmore for Eye and Mouth Problems

The eyes are the mirrors of the soul.  The eyes express an individual’s thought, mood and health.  Hence, it is vital that the eyes remain healthy.  Along with the eyes, the mouth is vitally important in expressing one’s thought directly.  Acupuncture Bellmore is a way to maintain the health of both the eyes and mouth by treating conditions related to them.  It is a very safe and natural treatment not needing the utilization of harmful medications.
Acupuncture is an ancient medicinal art that uses acupuncture or energy points of the body to correct energy imbalances in the body.  Acupuncture therapy for the eyes entails using acupuncture points along that area.  Treatment in that area improves blood and chi circulation in the energy pathways called meridians, nourishing the eyes with more blood and nutrients keeping the eyes healthy and more resilient to infections and diseases.  Acupuncture points used for eye acupuncture are the UB-1 and UB-2, center point between the eyebrows, the sides of the eyes and near the temples.  These points are used for the treatment of light sensitivity, blurred vision, glaucoma, conjunctivitis, night blindness, redness, cataract and glaucoma among a host of others.

Besides acupuncture treatment, other regular ways to care for the eyes are drinking copious amounts of water for proper body hydration; regular exercise that allows for good circulation, which nourishes the eyes; and a healthy lifestyle.  The last one means to avoid or stop smoking and frequent blinking of the eyes when watching TV or using a PC.  Proper intake of vitamins such as vitamins E,B and A, omega 3, bioflavinoid and other vital minerals are essential for eye care.  Intake of these supplements and highly nutritious foods not only makes the eyes healthy but the whole body, as well.  Interestingly, acupuncture points for eye disorders is used for the treatment of mouth conditions as well.  Common mouth problems addressed by acupuncture:

Toothache – Acupuncture points are located near the area of concern.  Acupuncture improves circulation, cleanses the area and relieves pain in the affected area as well. .

Gingivitis – The swelling of the gums that causes halitosis, severe pain, redness and bleeding.  This is due to lack of essential nutrients and blood in the mouth area. Acupuncture improves blood and energy sustenance in the area treating gingivitis.

Pharyngitis (sore throat) – The swelling of the pharynx.  Children are more susceptible to this infection.  Acupuncture acts by taking away the cough and phlegm to unblock the respiratory airways.  It boosts the immune system to avoid sore throat recurrence.

An acupuncturist who specializes and has vast experience in mouth and eye disorders are the best professionals to consult as not all acupuncturists have experience in these areas of concern.

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