Resolving your psoriasis problem with acupuncture may seem unusual and because this condition rarely occurs in the population of China, there are few evidences that this treatment can help treat the condition. Modern science has still not been able to come up with a cure for psoriasis. Acupuncture can be used though as treatment to help lessen the lesions and plagues related to this problem.
In the United about 2% of its population suffers from severe psoriasis. One the other hand, about a fourth of the population is suffering from mild to severe symptoms of this condition. Furthermore, thousands of new cases are reported every year making psoriasis a problem of global significance. The real cause of psoriasis is unknown and it not only affects the skin’s upper layer. Scientists believe psoriasis is due to immune system malfunctions that result in the over-activity of certain cells which then cause the classical lesions and plagues of this condition.
Acupuncture treatment involves the insertion of long, thin needles into points known as acupoints on affected areas of the body. Although adherents and practitioners of Western acupuncture recommend it for the treatment of psoriasis, there are not enough studies to prove that it works for psoriasis. Studies for acupuncture are difficult to do since each psoriasis patient presents with a unique case of the condition all the time; actually, most acupuncture treatments for psoriasis are more of a trial and error treatment to help calm the condition.
If you want fast relief from the symptoms, then acupuncture for the treatment of psoriasis in Miami is not for you. You may need to undergo several sessions of treatment to find out whether or not acupuncture can actually treat your problem. One great thing about this treatment though is that there are no side effects at all to be experienced. If you have an aversion to needles you can be treated with small probes or mild electric currents instead of the needles. These types of procedures are as equally effective as the conventional needle treatment itself.
So, if you think you have used up all treatment options for your psoriasis, acupuncture is a modality worth trying.