One interesting medical tidbit is that people suffering from osteoporosis are more liable to develop vertigo. Vertigo is the result of an inner ear problem that results in dizziness. People suffering from osteoporosis suffer from weak bones and oftentimes, loose bone materials end up inside the ear disrupting the balance of the ear causing dizziness.
Osteoporosis happens when the bones become weak because of poor bone density. People suffering from this disease, an inordinate number of them women, are at high risk of wait, hip or spine injury. Acupuncture Spokane is a proven effective modality for osteoporosis. Traditional Chinese medicine of which acupuncture is a part believes that osteoporosis is associated with the kidney. Hence, when being treated with acupuncture for osteoporosis, oriental herbals are likewise utilized to strengthen the patient’s renal system.
The lower back is where the kidney’s energy is located. Acupuncture with help from Chinese herbal medicine alleviates the pain and increases bone density. Both modalities revitalize and nourish the kidneys and whatever is fine for the kidneys is fine likewise for the hair, nails, bones and teeth. Hence, a person suffering from back pain, chances are high also suffers from brittle nails, thin hair and bad teeth as well.
Acupuncture aims to stymie the onset of osteoporosis. One more good advise for osteoporosis prevention is eating a highly nutritious diet everyday especially foods that strengthen the bones. If the person is not lactose intolerant, regular milk intake is a very good way of providing the body with vitamin and mineral essentials the body, in particular, the bone needs to avoid osteoporosis
More than half of people over 50 years of age all over the world are at high risk for osteoporosis. This disorder is more common among Asian females. Herbals are usually recommended by acupuncturists.
Acupuncture activates certain acupuncture points to improve the bone mass and replenish lost tissues to avoid the bones getting weak and brittle. Acupuncture improves muscle tone and strength, which is very good in supporting the whole body structure and weight. This considerably lessens the pressure and stress to the bones. Apart from good nutrition and acupuncture treatment, regular exercise is also a very good way to increase muscle strength and flexibility. Men and women who suffer from osteoporosis usually have a thin body frame. Without exercises, even stretching exercises, the muscles are not developed and the stress of bearing the body falls disproportionately higher to the bones. Exercises are essential to avoid muscle and bone weakness.
Acupuncture does not only prevent osteoporosis and vertigo, it benefits the mental, physical and emotional aspects of the individual as well. It also works in balancing the energy of the body harmonizing and normalizing all body functions leading to a healthy individual physically, emotionally and mentally.