Chronic sufferers of depression and anxiety will gravitate to a better and permanent treatment of their condition if given the chance. Antidepressant and anti-anxiety drugs just would not cut when one is looking for a long term solution for chronic anxiety and depression problems. They merely offer transient relief from anxiety and depression symptoms, never addressing the root cause of these problems in any manner. For chronic sufferers of these extreme emotions, the intake of prescription drugs all their lives will eventually take a heavy toll and their physical and mental health due to the accumulating toxins from those drugs in the body, causing renal, liver and brain damage. Sadly without knowing any better alternatives, they have no choice but to avail of these medications all their life. However, many now have discovered the power of acupuncture to cure anxiety and depression and not only temporarily but on a permanent basis.
Acupuncture Spokane is a uniquely Chinese medicinal art that uses needles inserted at specific acupuncture points in the body to cause a therapeutic effect treating many kinds of disorders. Practitioners of this healing art believe that the needles enable life energy called chi to naturally flow all over the body that was otherwise impeded due to physiological or neurological problems. The uses of acupuncture today are broad and can include the relief of pain, treatment of insomnia, muscle aches, headaches, migraines, addiction, extreme emotions (anxiety and depression) and severe stress among others.
These are some of the benefits acupuncture can bestow on the body and mind:
• With acupuncture, the body is rejuvenated, strengthened and refreshed.
• It greatly improves the body’s immune function.
• It is a very good reliever of pain, which makes the need for painkillers unnecessary.
• Acupuncture can facilitate healing shortening the healing time of injuries and conditions.
• Stress symptoms are considerably lessened and blood circulation is greatly increased with acupuncture treatment.
• Acupuncture does not have any kind of side effects to the body or mind and it can be used in combination with other medical treatments.
• Virtually anyone can get acupuncture treatment even if they are relatively healthy as acupuncture can boost the energy level of the body and increase body strength.
Psychological and neurological conditions are effectively treated with acupuncture as attested by the many sufferers of extreme emotions such as depression and anxiety who are now living normal lives because of acupuncture. These former patients report a general happy and light disposition after their acupuncture sessions. Sleeplessness or insomnia which often accompanies anxiety and depression is also addressed by acupuncture. For those tired of taking anti-anxiety and anti-depression medications which most of the time gives unsatisfactory relief, acupuncture may just be the answer you are looking for to alter your life into one filled with happiness and contentment.