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Alternative Medicine News

Acupuncture for Sciatica

As the number of people suffering from sciatica increases, many of them have begun using other kinds of therapies. Acupuncture for sciatica is a novel treatment that people ought to consider. Its effects on nerve pain relief are encouraging.

One advantage in using acupuncture treatment for sciatica is that it is natural.  It is not necessary to use drugs or undergo surgery for this modality. Acupuncture simply involves reed-thin acupuncture needles inserted into specific points in the body to allow the Chi to flow unperturbed throughout the whole body. When Chi flows freely, people are relieved of their body pain. People with sciatica who have tried acupuncture in the past have received benefits from this therapy. This is why medical professionals today are now actually using this method to give pain relief for their patients.

One of the common lower back ache problems is sciatica. This pain typically travels from the top of the buttocks down to the legs. Sciatica is caused by muscle spasms around or near the sciatic nerve. This condition can be caused by aging or lack of exercise.  There are sufferers who complain of numbness in certain instances. Sciatic pain may also be caused by certain degenerative conditions like a herniated disk. Fortunately, there is a treatment for it. Acupuncture for sciatic pain has been quite effective on patients as it helps remove spasms and gives prompt relief.

There are a lot of benefits sciatica sufferers can derive from acupuncture. This therapy can boost blood flow in the lumbar area as well as the spinal cord that produces a number of benefits than just the relief of pain.  Acupuncture helps give strength and flexibility to the bones and helps relax muscles. It can also boost energy which can compel a person to be more active. Sometimes, the effects of the treatment may not be immediate as its effects may differ depending on the person’s body.

A fundamental notion of what sciatica is can help someone appreciate how effective acupuncture can be in treating this condition. Sciatica is a type of pain brought about by bearing pressure on the sciatic nerve and other factors. The muscles spasms may produce the pain through which the nerve is directly connected. The pain my also be coming from the inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Degenerative joint diseases can also bring about this type of pain especially if it’s situated around the spine that affects the nerve.

However, if degenerative diseases are involved acupuncture for sciatica may not fully work. It may give temporal relief but not treat the condition entirely. When the spinal disc impinges on the sensitive nerves, the muscles contract causing pain. One should not expect acupuncture to reverse the location of the disc. Acupuncture can still relieve the inflammation and muscle spasms and inflammation but it can’t treat this kind of condition.

Still, all in all, acupuncture is the most natural and safest way to resolve sciatica. You don’t need to take in drugs that may have side effects. You don’t need to put your nerves under the surgical knife. Acupuncture is still the best way to alleviate sciatic pain without any side effects.

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