As a therapeutic procedure, acupuncture has been practiced in various cultures and societies in East Asia for thousands of years. This therapy has been sporadically practiced in Europe for hundreds of year while it only became popular in the United States during the 1970s. As a treatment for psoriasis, acupuncture has been found to be potent in certain clinical settings.
A study done in 1992 evaluated the benefit of acupunctures for a number of allergies and skin conditions. This study, done in China, involved 61subjects who were resistant to the commonly used treatment protocols. The study group was given controlled acupuncture treatments administered in nine sessions instead of the western conventional modes of treatment.
The people who conducted the study considered the results of the study as a concerted success. About more than 50% initial test group (who were the ones treated with acupuncture) experienced relief of their symptoms and in certain instances had led to the complete cure of their psoriasis. The study also showed that the majority of the subjects in the group given acupuncture showed an impressive improvement of their quality of life and conditions.
Acupuncturists believe that the body possesses special sections known as meridians. According to traditional Chinese medicine, when these meridians are stimulated with acupuncture needles, they help to correct energy distribution and restore balance throughout the human body. Both acupuncturists and TCM practitioners argue that by needling specific meridians, they can help in removing blockages, restore natural function and treat nervous conditions that will result in the resolution of a number of skin allergies.
Other studies were done regarding acupuncture’s effectiveness in treating psoriasis in western countries and many of these studies helped prove the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating this condition. So many individual cases have shown that acupuncture is also a very safe non-invasive therapy. Psoriasis sufferers have manifested a huge improvement in their symptoms after getting the standard type of acupuncture treatment.
Acupuncture therapy is such a powerful and versatile treatment that it is one of the more effective modalities in the treatment of psoriatic arthritis. This condition is a disease that inflames the joints of the body causing significant pain for its sufferers. Acupuncturists target the affected meridians to help relieve the pain of psoriatic arthritis.
As a standalone therapy, acupuncture may not be effective enough in treating major conditions. That being said, it is clear from the numerous research studies and years of tradition as well as the present clinical underway, that acupuncture has a consistent and impressive track record in treating psoriasis. Today, more and more doctors are now using to it as an adjunct to conventional modalities. So, if you do have skin irritations like psoriasis, you need to consider combining acupuncture with your typical medical treatment.