If you have eczema and have been seeking for alternative remedies for it, then you may been need to be familiar with traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) as it is considered a viable option for eczema treatment for a large number of eczema sufferers who have found conventional medicine wanting in satisfactory results.
The philosophies of TCM philosophies have been practiced for over 300 centuries. They are now slowly being integrated in conventional western medicine usually as a complementary therapy for other conventional medical modalities. Western and Chinese medical sciences address conditions such as eczema by diagnosing and treating them albeit in entirely different ways. Western medicine focuses its treatment on how it can remedy certain parts of the body and on bodily dysfunctions while TCM primarily observes the psycho-emotional and environmental factors that affect the body that oftentimes are the underlying cause of the eczema.
The TCM viewpoint of eczema states the eczema three factors that cause it. These are wind, heat and moisture. TCM also thinks that environmental and outside factors can be causes of certain diseases and illnesses. One particular environmental factor is climate. Climate can cause unhealthy results to a person’s body. Emotional or internal factors are also considered key factors that affect one’s health. Emotional factors such as grief or stress is known to bring about physical dysfunctions. Diet is also a major determinant on the health of a person. A poor and imbalanced diet can lead to many types of disorders.
TCM has three major modalities that are utilized in treating eczema: they are acupuncture, herbal medicine and skin preparations.
Acupuncture is a very ancient type of medicinal art. A few individuals are aware that it is a treatment that can actually address eczema. Acupuncture therapy uses very thin needles to stimulate specific regions of the body to help relieve eczema symptoms. Acupuncturists believe that this condition is the result of the malfunction of the body’s normal cooling and soothing systems causing the skin to turn red, itchy, flaky and dry. The basic aim of acupuncture is to soothe and cool body tissues to remedy eczema symptoms as well as hinder the possibility of any future flare-ups.
Herbal medicine often entails the use of herbal formulas that are quite effective in addressing eczema. There are a wide range of Chinese herbal drugs that are designed to work on the internal organs basically by tonifying these organs and make them more resilient to diseases. Acupuncturists usually combine herbal teas with acupuncture to make the healing effects much better.
These days TCM treatment for eczema can now come in the form of creams, ointments and lotions. These skin products are externally applied right over the affected skin. They are widely sold in the market but before you buy one, make sure you read the ingredients first to make sure that you are being offered the right product that will cure your eczema.
Acupuncture is a very good TCM eczema alternative treatment. It may take a little while to experience its complete benefits. TCM and acupuncture treatments may time for their benefits to show. You need to be very patient in waiting for those benefits to take effect. Also you may want to talk to your doctor first before seeing an acupuncturist to see if acupuncture is the best choice for your eczema.