Edina Acupuncture is a commonly sought after treatment for digestion problems, arthritis, allergies, headaches and relief from very nasty chemotherapy side effects. Acupuncture can also be used to treat the ill effects of pregnancy.
It is not really known that traditional acupuncture can actually cause spontaneous abortion, early contractions or fetal movement in the first four months of pregnancy. Acupuncture actually benefited pregnant women who were in the first four months of their pregnancy by providing them relief and treatment from bleeding, bloating, migraines, nausea and fatigue according to a study of 600 pregnant women in their first trimester in the UK.
It is very important that you only seek acupuncture treatment from an experienced and nationally-certified acupuncturist. Pregnant women most especially should heed this advice. It is even much better if the nationally certified acupuncturist you have selected has also certification to practice Chinese herbology as their knowledge in the traditional arts of Chinese medicine is often quite superior to those who don’t have this kind of certification. Acupuncture techniques such as auricular acupuncture or acupressure can be done on women in their first trimester to lessen the risk of complications.
Acupuncture treatment for pregnancy caused conditions can also be availed during the second trimester of pregnancy. Conditions such as excessive weight gain, high blood pressure, edema, stress, hemorrhoids and heartburn can be effectively remedied by second-trimester acupuncture.
The third trimester is the safest time for the use of acupuncture treatments. Acupuncture can relieve many types of pain including pelvic girdle pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, back pain and sciatica among others. Back pain is an especially common problem for pregnant women as the center of gravity is shifted from its normal position giving extra pressure and stress on the back.
Acupuncture can be very helpful in inducing labor to overdue babies, it can also aid in repositioning breech babies back to its correct position before delivery. For this another type of acupuncture called moxibustion is used to aid the baby to shift back to its normal head first position before delivery. Acupuncture is also a great way to minimize labor pain and give energy to the woman to attain a quick and easy labor and delivery. Acupuncture is also used to stop the heavy bleeding conditions of some women after giving birth.
Many first-time pregnant women suffer from postpartum depression. Acupuncture helps treat this type of depression in a way that brings balance to the normal body function of the woman. When the body is back in balance, this often helps treat the sadness, stress and depression.
Thus we can see the great benefits of acupuncture for pregnant women if performed by a qualified and nationally certified acupuncturist. Even in cases of infertility, acupuncture is considered one of the major treatments in addressing male and female infertility.