The inability of western medicine to provide for a permanent solution for uterine fibroids makes this condition seem like a complicated problem to resolve. Usually, alternative medicine can provide a better outcome with a lot of people asking “can acupuncture help fibroids?”
The theory of traditional Chinese medicine or TCM has when it comes to a woman’s menstrual cycle is that it should always be regular and free of pain. If pain exists during the cycle, it may be an indication of an imbalance in the body. When it comes to fibroids, acupuncturists and other TCM practitioners believe that there is something that affects the flow of blood into the reproductive organs and this can result in a weak immune system and in conditions such as uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts and endometriosis.
You need to get a diagnosis from a licensed and experienced acupuncturist in order to be treated of fibroids. Your acupuncturist will thoroughly study your full medical history as well as check your tongue and pulse. The plan of treatment should be customized based on your own unique needs.
Acupuncturists use hair thin needles that are inserted around 4mm to 6mm into the body. Most of the patients report of a tingling feeling as they inserted into acupuncture points that associate to the uterus. In order to effectively treat fibroids, weekly acupuncture treatments are necessary. Acupuncturists may also prescribe certain herbal preparations for the patient during the term of the treatment.
It is worth noting that acupuncture is not a treatment that can be effective for all kinds of people. Be that as it may, acupuncture can provide more health benefits to the body than other types of modality when it comes to fibroids treatment.
Ni Nan Healing Art Center
2579 Merrick Rd
Bellmore, NY 11710
Phone: (516) 442-7408