A fundamental relationship exists between infertility and acupuncture. In this article, we will be exploring this relationship in more detail. But first of all, let us see what acupuncture is all about.
Acupuncture treatment is one of the most popular alternative treatments in the world. It has been practiced for over 5000 years mostly in China, Korea, and Japan, although it now has hugely grown in popularity in the past forty years. Since its “introduction” in America by the journalist James Reston in 1972, over time, more and more Americans have grown aware of the benefits that acupuncture can give. With this rise in popularity, 16 acupuncture schools have now been established, coupled with the development of a few medical schools. In China, this treatment is often used as an anesthetic during surgeries even major ones such as heart and brain surgeries. The United States currently has more than 8000 practicing acupuncturists who are accredited and/or licensed. Physicians wanting to become acupuncturists can know more about this ancient Chinese healing art at the UCLA medical school, led by Joseph Helms, M.D.
Now, we deal with the association of acupuncture treatment to infertility in Miami. More specifically, how acupuncture treatment is able to cure fertility issues. Acupuncture has been discovered to be very reliable in treating female and male infertility alike. In resolving different forms of fertility related problems such as PMS, blockages in the fallopian tubes of women, and amenorrhea (for women), and impotence, erectile dysfunction, and low sperm count and quality (for men), acupuncture can be a very good treatment indeed. This treatment tends to treat the entire human body rather than just the symptoms of a disease in any specific part of the body. When complemented with Chinese medicinal herbal remedies prescribed by traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) healers, it works in optimum efficiency in dealing with infertility conditions. The main forms of acupuncture were established over 3500 years ago in China by Taoist priests and philosophers who saw how they help reenergize organs of the body that have been weakened or compromised. They discovered that acupuncture helps promote and maintains the smooth flow of innate vital energy in the human body. This leads to levels of high efficiency at which the healed bodily organs can function. Infertility and acupuncture are intimately related, since predetermined acupuncture points are inserted with sterilized non hollow needles into reproductive organs that respond extremely well allowing these organs to function normally once more as the blockages in the path of the smooth circulation of vital energy is now eliminated.
A person is endowed with numerous benefits during and after an acupuncture treatment for infertility related problems. The treatment is ideally combined with other TCM methods; in a lot of cases, acupuncture can even be an excellent complementary therapy for Western conventional therapies. A few of the benefits of acupuncture treatment for infertility are enumerated below:
1. Acupuncture can be used along with several types of infertility. It is rare for the practitioner to use medications while giving acupuncture to his/her patient. A lot of fertility problems can be ideally treated with acupuncture alone and in fact, a lot of doctors even now recommend it for several of their infertile patients. Actually, there is a term in which Western modes of treatment are integrated into acupuncture treatment. It is known as Integral Chinese Medicine or ITCM. This sophisticated medical technique is enhances by several notches the overall effectiveness of acupuncture.
2. Acupuncture actually boosts the effectiveness and chances of success of ART (Assisted Reproductive Techniques) treatments such as ICSI, TET, GIFT, ZIFT, AHT, and of course, IVF. This is basically due to acupuncture’s tendency to improve the overall health of the patient. Combined with Chinese herbal formulas, acupuncture can help recover the overall balance of the person’s endocrine system. The person’s general physique becomes robust and healthier. The odds of a woman getting pregnant become high with acupuncture. The recovery time of the woman during the postnatal times accelerates as well.
3. Acupuncture considers and treats a person as one comprehensive system. It does not see the mind and body as distinct aspects of a person. Body parts such as the fallopian tubes and uterus (for females), and the testicles and penis (for males) are not treated per se. The underlying causes of infertility are determined and resolved which thus leads to the elimination of the symptoms.
4. With acupuncture, any possible adverse side effects are out of the picture. The treatment effectively lessens the toxicity levels that may develop due to the use of prescription and non-prescription drugs as well as certain invasive processes.
From what we have discussed, we can see that infertility and acupuncture has indeed a certain intimate relationship with each other. Holistic therapies consider and treat the person as a whole unit, instead of the Western medical paradigm that views the body as separate distinct parts. Chinese medicine considers stress as a huge negative factor that should be managed for the prevention of sickness and for the maintenance of health. This implies that the person should live a healthy lifestyle and have a more balanced perspective on life. Performing exercises on a regular basis, eating a healthy, balanced, and nutrient-rich diet, changing his/her overall way of life, regular acupuncture treatment, and taking various herbal remedies can help cure not only infertility but other problems you may have.