Acupressure massage can help you cleanse out your entire body system. It is based on the ancient Chinese healing technique of acupuncture in Orlando, minus the needles. This massage therapy is performed by applying medium pressure on certain trigger points on the body. It is a form of bodywork that stimulates the energy of the body to restore balance within the body and boost the function of the immune system. Today, technology has led to the production of innovative massage chairs that can help identify and activate the acupressure points of the body.
Acupressure therapy helps free up blocked energy channels in your body. There is now scientific evidence confirming the existence of meridian channels through the use of certain electrical techniques. These meridian pathways that transport energy throughout the body have been known to exist by ancient Chinese medicine practitioners for thousands of years. They observed that certain centers or junctions could become blocked or inhibited that throws out the balance of the body. The flow of energy could be restored and manipulated by applying pressure on certain pressure points in the body. Science has been able to map these acupressure points and has so far identified over 350 points in the body.
Acupressure massage is performed using kneading, tapping and vibration massage techniques. These massage techniques are used throughout the body in conjunction with stimulating the acupressure points. Delivering the acupressure massage is achieved by making rapid circular motions with medium pressure on particular trigger points. The trigger points are then stimulated in conjunction with massaging the body to release blocked energy. The energy flow is restored and the body returns to a normal balance.
There are several health benefits the can be provided by acupressure massage therapy. It is known to help relieve pains, aches, muscle tension, and stress. It also helps the body tap into its own self healing powers. The stimulation of the point can help clear out any toxins that have accumulated in the body. This build up of toxins greatly contributes to muscle stiffness which places pressure on the lymphatic and circulatory systems. This increases unwanted pressure on your body causing disharmonies and imbalances in the body.
The advance of technology in the field of acupressure has led to the invention of massage chairs that can accurately locate the trigger points of your body. The programs built in the chairs can create a map of the trigger points in your body. The kind of massage that the chair provides is customized based on the constitution and needs of the user. The back alone has over a hundred trigger points. Massage chairs have an excellent way of stimulating the acupressure points and perform massage techniques such as vibration, percussion, and kneading. These therapies are able to alleviate pains, aches, and soreness in the neck, shoulders, and back.
Some manufacturers have included air compression systems in the chair that target your lower body. These systems integrate uniquely crafted airbags that come with special nodes to stimulate trigger points located in your lower body. When the system activates, the airbag is inflated and the node gently pushes into the trigger point. These points are usually located at the bottom of the feet and the back of the calves. When they are activated, these trigger points can release pent up tension help induce whole body relaxation.
New research involving acupressure massage therapy has shown that it can help relieve constipation, digestive disorders, dizziness, insomnia, headaches, and constipation and in certain instances even motion sickness. We are just starting to realize how powerful acupressure actually is which has been used in China for millennia. Modern technology has led to the invention of incredibly beneficial massage chair recliners that can provide anyone with very effective acupressure massage therapies. These are the most convenient and cost effective way of acquiring the health benefits of acupressure massage.